Give Me Safety AND then Death

I often watch CNN to hear the latest lies the Deep State expects us to swallow. The fake news mass media have long pushed a globalist agenda.

For years they pushed fear via the ‘climate change’ narrative, but it never really caught on. People had more important things to worry about than the weather. Most were too busy working and trying to pay the bills. Nobody wanted the globalist ‘green new deal’, which would shut down the oil industry, our economy, and cost everyone their jobs.

Now the Deep state has found something that works for them—a scary man-made virus. Oil has collapsed and people have lost their jobs. Just what they wanted—the destruction of America! CNN and the rest of the mass media beat drums of fear daily to keep the lockdown going. They celebrate people who are forced to stay in their homes. Hollywood stars help out by making it seem cool and patriotic.


I finally changed the channel when CNN forecasted another wave of Covid-19 this winter. Yep, they found something that works so it’s not going to go away. They can now shut down the world at will and they didn’t need war or climate change to do it. All they needed was fear. Have you noticed more and more are now wearing the dehumanizing masks? Those probably won’t go away, even after the virus abates. Social distancing may stay, too. They’ll tell us it’s for our safety—that hypnotic word that allows Big Government to do whatever it likes to us. “Stay home, stay safe!” To hell with their safety! I want my freedom! I especially don’t want Bill Gates’ Satanic ‘mark of the beast’ vaccine.

I soon grew disgusted by CNN’s incessant fear mongering, so I decided to change the channel. I came across a replay of Super Bowl 50 and decided to watch it. That didn’t last long because I could not take the incessant pro-quarantine commercials. The people in those commercials were proud of being locked up. I heard them talk about online shopping at home and ‘in safety.’ One man said, “It’s time for us to come together as a world…collectively.” Well, that’s what the globalists want—globalism! They’re using fear of a virus as leverage to get what they want. It’s working much better than their climate change bunk. Nobody was afraid of the weather, but they’re terrified of the virus. Not only are people staying home, they’re told they should be proud of it—as if staying safe is somehow patriotic. Getting out with torches and pitchforks can’t happen because we’ve lost our right to assemble.

We’ve exchanged our liberty for safety and as Benjamin Franklin warned, those who do so end up with neither. 

—Ben Garrison

We are fundraising for this month as we must move from our current rental. We are sacrificing some of our BIG BOOK stock we were keeping for our family. If you missed out on the BIG BOOK last year we have 3 available. Rare collectors item!

Book 17 is owned by Donald Trump Jr. and book 1000 is owned by General Flynn!  We have promo books signed by both Ben and Tina, they are not numbered. If you are interested please click here


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