Watch Out For That First Step- It’s A Doozy!

Most communist leaders hang onto office into advanced old age for one reason: They love power.

Mao wasn’t afraid of death, but he was afraid of losing his power. Stalin was the same way. Raul Castro is one of the few communists to voluntarily step down, but after all…he is 89 years old. He’s close to stepping down into a grave.

He represents nearly six decades of communist tyranny in Cuba. Many Cubans would love to shake loose of the communist grip, and while they’re certainly spirited enough to do it, they lack a very important means to accomplish it: Fidel Castro confiscated all their firearms long ago. Then he confiscated their votes, their property, and their lives.

We Americans need to take a lesson from oppressed citizens in all countries that embraced socialism.

We must never give up our guns.

—Ben Garrison

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