We at GrrrGraphics wish everyone a happy 4th of July! 

Our cartoon features President Donald J. Trump, General Michael Flynn and the Digital Soldiers of the Q Army 

America remains the greatest Republic ever created. Yes, we face many problems, but racism is not one of them. There is no ‘systemic racism.’ That is a lie. There remains equal opportunity for all those willing to work hard to obtain success. The Bolsheviks will have none of this and are using race to divide and destroy our country. We must not let this happen. Black or white, we have nothing to be ashamed of. Slavery reparations were already paid long ago. It was called the Civil War. Over 600,000 Americans died and slavery was ended.

My heritage includes both the North and South. My mom was born in Massachusetts. I might be distantly related to the famous abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison of Massachusetts, but I doubt it. My dad was born in Texas. My parents’ ancestors were on opposite sides. I can appreciate both the North and South. Of course slavery was evil, but the vast majority of southerners were not. Very few had slaves.

Despite what Nancy Pelosi has been spewing, the people of the South were not ’traitors.’ They did not want to overthrow the government of the North. What the South did was called ’secession.’ They wanted to disassociate themselves from the unfair tariffs and corruption meted out to them by the North. In those days the states had far more power along with the understanding that they could divorce themselves from the union when tyranny and unfair taxation became unbearable. So they did. Lincoln would have none of it and forced the southern states to return to the union by means of war. It remains our country’s deadliest conflict.

In the process, Lincoln established a strong central government and the states were rendered more subordinate. This arrangement has grown worse over the years and now the leviathan federal government routinely bullies the states and its citizens. The word ‘federal’ is now used with finality. It’s an argument ender. We have no say!

To expedite a national restoration, all southerners received full pardons. They were once again part of the Union. The South was allowed to erect statues of their great generals. Paintings of great leaders from the South hung in the halls of Congress. Pelosi recently ordered their removal. She said they were traitors. WRONG! They were not traitors, they wanted succession—and then they were pardoned! Pelosi is the real traitor for trying to destroy our history!

The fact that the South was defeated does not negate their heroism. l repeat, almost none of the soldiers fighting for the South owned slaves. They were fighting for freedom and liberty and they were just as honorable and heroic as soldiers from the north. All should be honored. Our history should be respected. The statues should remain—including and especially Andrew Jackson’s.

President Jackson was our first Democrat president. Jackson’s greatest accomplishment was throwing out the central bankers. A man of unparalleled courage, Jackson was vastly outnumbered during the War of 1812 and still handily defeated the British near New Orleans. By the way, many blacks heroically fought for Jackson during that battle.

African Americans fought in all our country’s wars from the very beginning and have been just as patriotic as other races. You don’t often hear from them because the lying mass media only promotes socialist voices. I do not want to see America totally destroyed and returned to Native Americans. I can’t return to Ireland, Britain, or Germany any more than an African American can return to, say, Ghana or the Upper Congo. Why would we? We are all fortunate to be where we are—the greatest Republic ever created on the face of the Earth. It would be a deadly shame to allow its destruction.

The Fourth of July is a holiday that all Americans should celebrate regardless of petty political differences. Unfortunately the violent globalist Bolsheviks don’t see it that way. They want to widen the division as they constantly chant ‘racist’ to justify their goal: The destruction of our great country. It starts with destroying our statues and history.

The violent BLM and Antifa are the real traitors—not the people from the old South.


—Ben Garrison

Happy Independence Day!

Limited Edition Signed Prints Available



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