“SuperHeroes of the GOP Debate”
Here’s my latest cartoon. Well, it’s more of a poster. A poster featuring the GOP candidates as superheroes. Hillary Clinton is their arch-villain, but that cartoon will come later. Some of the Republican candidates who were rating very low in the polls weren’t included. It is becoming clear that Jeb is a bust.
That’s good—we don’t need the Bush crime family back in charge. This country isn’t about kings and family dynasties. It appears that Rubio may be the new neocon establishment candidate designed to replace Bush. We’ll see.The outsiders continue to do well—especially Trump. It is refreshing to see how he continues to repel criticism and the cannon balls of political correctness. Even Putin recognizes him as a real leader who cares about his own country before globalism.
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Rand seemed to do well in the last debate. Of course, I admire anyone who is out to audit and then end the Federal Reserve. Paul continues to support the Constitution while other candidates ruffle their war hawk feathers.
—Ben Garrison
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