Order in the Deep State court
Roger Stone was sentenced to 40 months in prison by a partisan Obama appointee, Judge Amy Berman Jackson.
She alluded to the Russia collusion conspiracy when she said, “Stone was not prosecuted for standing up for the President; he was prosecuted for covering up for the President.”
Covering up how? A slip of memory is a cover up? Being a journalist and contacting WikiLeaks is a cover up? What exactly is the cover up? Whatever the Democrats say it is.
Nancy Pelosi and her crew may start the impeachment process anew if Trump pardons Roger Stone. That’s rank hypocrisy. What about Bill Clinton? Roger Stone is not a criminal and committed no crime, but Bill pardoned many despicable crooks. Does anyone remember the pardon he granted to his billionaire friend, Marc Rich? Do the Democrats remember how Marc Rich arranged a hefty sum to be deposited into the Clinton Foundation? Of course not.
Obama has populated courts with Democrat partisans who are more than willing to use our justice system to go after his enemies. President Trump committed no crime, but the Democrats wanted to impeach him anyway. Roger Stone committed no crime, but the Democrats want him locked up anyway. Meanwhile, real crooks such as Hillary Clinton remain unlocked up.
—Ben Garrison
Roger Stone Must Be Pardoned. We need your support in getting Donald Trump reelected! Your purchase goes toward our country, the MAGA MOVEMENT, and President Trump!