What’s that smell? That smelly smell that smells?


Yesterday, ex Prezzy Barry Obama FINALLY endorsed Joe Biden for President.

It didn’t matter that Joe was his VP for eight long years, Barry would not endorse Joe when there were 20 plus radical Democrats running.

I am old enough to remember at the start of Biden’s campaign, Obama infamously stated,

“You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t.”

Once Biden was the “last man standing”, Barry made a weak video endorsing Biden proclaiming,

“I believe Joe has all the qualities we need in a President right now.”

No you don’t Barry. If you believed that you would have endorsed Biden at the beginning!

In fact, doesn’t Obama’s video endorsement remind you of a hostage video? Is George Soros standing off camera with a baseball bat glaring at Barry?

Obama also stated, “This crisis has reminded us that government matters.” 

Because you “never let a crisis go to waste” right Barry?

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There is no way Biden will win even with Barry’s endorsement. The only way Democrats win is through fraud.

Which is why Voter ID is so important this election year.

But that is a issue for another cartoon!

I hope you enjoy this TINA TOON!


We are fundraising for this month as we must move from our current rental. We are sacrificing some of our BIG BOOK stock we were keeping for our family. If you missed out on the BIG BOOK last year we have 3 available. Rare collectors item!

Book 17 is owned by Donald Trump Jr. and book 1000 is owned by General Flynn!  We have promo books signed by both Ben and Tina, they are not numbered. If you are interested please click here


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