Spin the Wheel! Winner gets the FAKE NEWS TROPHY. Of course, there’s lots of competition out there – but can anyone really hope to beat CNN from taking first place?
President Trump commented today… (pic below)
As I mentioned when this cartoon first came out, the failing mainstream media continue to spin absurd lies in their non-stop effort to defame President Trump.
I remember watching CNN during last year’s election campaign. Over and over again they referred to Hillary as “historic.” They called Trump “divisive” at every opportunity.
I suppose they thought that would be enough to sway their brainwashed viewers. Except many of those viewers grew wise to the propaganda. Many more stopped watching TV news altogether and began finding the truth on the Internet.
The failing mainstream media continue to spin absurd lies in their non-stop effort defame President Trump. I remember watching CNN during last year’s election campaign. Over and over again they referred to Hillary as “historic.” They called Trump “divisive” at every opportunity. I suppose they thought that would be enough to sway their brainwashed viewers. Except many of those viewers grew wise to the propaganda. Many more stopped watching TV news altogether and began finding the truth on the Internet.
In addition to the ‘divisive’ smear, the leftist corporate media said Trump was part of the KKK, a tax cheat, and, of course, a ‘racist.’ None of it stuck and Trump was elected president.
Once their historic candidate lost, the media ran with Hillary’s new directive: Claim Trump was in league with the Russians, who ‘hacked’ her election. Smear him as a traitor. Shills such as Bill Maher ran with this lie weekly on his HBO comedy show. They doubled down and then tripled down on the ‘Russia’ narrative even though they lacked facts to support it. Real facts pointed to leakers such as Seth Rich. The DNC rigged their own primaries and it backfired. Now their ‘Russia’ narrative has also backfired.
Most recently the media ludicrously blamed President Trump for the violence in Charlottesville because they claimed he didn’t adequately condemn the white supremacists and Nazis. Anyone who is a patriot who wants to protect our constitutional republic is now considered a ‘Nazi.’ Many on the left are even applauding the destruction of our historical statues and monuments. They want to destroy Trump and the country while they’re at it.
Give the mainstream media an inch and they’ll make a crude mile of nonsense out of it. The legacy media’s repeated failure is dangerous, however. If the Deep State’s megaphone isn’t working, they shadow government may resort to more drastic measures in order to remove our president–including war, false flags, a stock market crash, and perhaps even a civil war. The rats want to sink the president’s ship, even if they go down with it.
—Ben Garrison