March Madness!
Published 03/20/2023
And no, it’s not what you think…
It’s time to get your GRRR-face on!
It’s us vs them folks. It has been for a while, time to get your guard up! We have to keep pushing our way toward liberation and freedom—if we don’t we are absolutely screwed. It’s undeniable, we are almost there . . . almost. Keep your chin up patriot.
The Biden administration is melting faster than winter snow. Rays of spring hope are fertilizing the minds of patriots. Do they really think that they can cut down our golden sunflower i.e. Trump? Do they really think that they can pluck out the roots of MAGA that grew from sea to shining sea?
Heck no!
The whole Trump pending indictment and possible arrest is a giant distraction from you guessed it:
Biden. The guy that articulates worse than the offspring of Sling Blade and a modern rapper. The guy whose brain can be considered a floppy disk among gigabyte streaming. The guy who makes eating dry ramen noodles look like a fun time.
Well, it’s getting worse for the Ole Sniffer. Last week Biden bailed out the Silicon Valley Bank. Did you know that SVB was connected to China? Did you know that these Chinese SVB accounts backed China’s aerospace and defense ventures?
Holy treason Batman!
Did you also know that the Biden family received more than a million dollars in relation to a payout from a Chinese company with ties to the CCP?
Also, a report from the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said he believes there are about 11 more deals between President Joe Biden’s family and China.
China Joe’s world is about to come shattering down like fine kitchen china. Or should I say fall with a splat like cheap Chinese takeout?
Trouble is ahead. March Madness.
But we will get through this storm. We will sail through these rough waters unharmed. The globalist cabal is panicking. If they arrest Trump, he will win in a landslide in 2024. Period.
—Ian Garrison
Special post by Ian Garrison (Ben Garrison’s son)
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