BREAKING: Comey Now Center of Investigation for Illegal Leaks

Cartoon published 12/17/2019

The Corn Is Now Ripe For Harvest

James Comey, the disgraced FBI director, claims he is vindicated by the recent IG report.

“My report vindicates no one,” IG Horowitz stated.

In reality, the Horowitz report is the complete opposite of “vindication” for James Comey’s FBI.

Horowitz found FBI violations “from top to bottom.”

“It’s either sheer incompetence, intentionality, or something in between,” Horowitz testified.

James Comey loves to post pictures of himself looking off into the distance in Iowa corn fields.


Perhaps he hears the distant rumbles of a Durham harvester slowly heading towards him?

We look forward to the criminal charges brought forth when US Attorney John Durham finishes his large scale investigation.

The harvest will be bountiful.



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