Hillary Clinton Wipes Her Hard Drive

'What, like with a cloth or something?'   maybe some TP too!

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The March of Hillary Clinton

Hillary should be marched to prison, not the presidency. For years she has gotten away with scandals, including Whitewater, Travelgate, ...

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GOP Debate Moments, Christie vs Paul

Favorite moments from the  GOP Debate with Chris Christie and Rand Paul

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Get off the Stage Fox News, GOP Debate Donald Trump

First of all: I’m not necessarily endorsing Trump. It’s just that the more he’s attacked by the neocon conservatives who ...

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Fukushima Alarm Ignored

One thing you rarely hear about in the MSM--or from Obama--is Fukushima. Multiple core meltdowns have occurred and tons of radioactive water ...

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“The Tortoise and the Hair”, Trump and Jeb Bush

Donald Trump was so much fun to draw Lewis wanted to do another cartoon..Jeb looks pretty funny as the tortoise, great idea ...

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Welcome to the Obama-Diner 

This was a brief experiment where I used a different name and style to do my cartoons. 

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What happened to the Border?

Since when did wanting a secure border make one ‘crazy?’ How can one be ‘racist’ when the president refuses to uphold his ...

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CEO of Troll

We got quite a few requests for this image, the CEO of Troll is cleaned up and rendered in Abode ...

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Cuck a Duck AKA Luggage Lad Cartoon

Just a funny cartoon of you know who.

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Pepe Frog goes to Montana

I got a lot of requests for Pepe, so here is the Ben Garrison version of a favorite meme.I've also ...

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Our police have been militarized by Big Government

The puppeteers who run Big Government has seen to it that our police have been militarized. They have been trained ...

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