The Final Battle..

Cartoon published 10/05/2023

When Trump won the election in 2016, the first thing we thought he should do was pick an Attorney General who would be dedicated to meting out justice to Hillary Clinton. We wanted her locked up. However, neither Jeff Sessions nor Bill Barr had the belly for it.

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Their allegiance was to the Deep State Swamp and they instead wanted to protect Hillary, just as James Comer did when he illegally exonerated her. Trump shares some blame for this. He was too magnanimous and forgiving—he beat Hillary and perhaps he felt it was too extreme to actually ‘lock her up.’ Maybe he thought it was going too far. Trump was too willing to hand out the olive branch. 

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Trump played softball against Hillary, but she was the kind would go too far. She ruthlessly played hardball and spent millions of dollars to launch the Steele Dossier, which contained lies about Trump. The Deep State Swamp security apparatus backed up the dossier and harassed Trump throughout his presidency. Democrats made sure Trump was impeached on ridiculous charges. Now Biden and his party are interfering with the election by means of lawfare against Trump.

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President Trump proved the existence of the Deep State Swamp, but underestimated its power. He won’t do that again. His expression on the mug shot foretells one thing: Justice is coming. No more olive branches. Trump’s eagle should be carrying arrows only.

— Ben Garrison

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This snapshot of history in the making comes as an amazingly attractive piece of artwork. Depicting America’s current fight against tyranny and globalism, this cartoon is one for the history books.


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