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Vacation Time

Some time off for Ben and Tina GrrrGraphics alert:  We are taking a rare vacation this week in order to ...

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Bad Dog, Worse Dog- The IRS Ready To Bite Middleclass

Who let the dogs out? The Democrat's new IRS (if/when funded) will be bigger than the Pentagon, FBI and State ...

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Trump Endorsements For The Win

Trump Endorsements Gallop In For The Win GOP primaries were recently completed in Arizona, Missouri, Michigan and Kansas. President Trump's ...

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Mike Pence And His Supporters

Pence Thinks He's A "Big Cheese" But Only The Rats Agree Mike Pence is showing his cards. It looks like ...

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Old MacDonald Had A Farm

"Old MacDonald had a farm, and it was taken away. With a WEF here, and a UN there, Here a ...

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Pelosi’s Trip To Taiwan

UPDATE: PELOSI LANDS IN TAIWAN TUESDAY AUGUST 2nd, 2022- WWIII Trends- Scare event? Nancy Pelosi’s vanity trip to Southeast Asia ...

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Sunken Biden At The Helm

Voyage To the bottom of the sea Update: Biden makes a statement on the economy "We are on the right ...

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Playtime With Joe Biden

Playtime with Joey Biden   Tina Toon We at GrrrGraphics know Joe Biden is mostly a figurehead. An Obama puppet. He’s ...

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Steve Bannon- Hero

Steve Bannon, Standing up for President Trump and the Constitution Steve Bannon is a hero. He stood up the corrupt ...

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The Safety Net

"We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into complacency and dependence.”I mistakenly ...

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Joe Biden IS Cancer

Biden doesn’t have cancer. He IS the cancer. UPDATE: Biden has tested positive for covid with mild symptoms, interesting timing. ...

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The Drama Queen, AOC

"You just want to date me..." "AOC, The Drama Queen” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and 16 other of her House colleagues were ...

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