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Happy Independence Day

A House Divided Can Not Stand- Choose Wisely The fourth of July used to stand for all Americans coming together ...

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Death Race 2024

Can Trump Grab the wheel and steer America back in the right direction? It's a race to the finish, our ...

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No Drilling More Killing

In The Left's Unhinged World, It's Better To Kill Babies Than Drill For Oil. Resident Biden embarrassed himself yet again ...

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Nancy’s Elbow

Everyone who disagrees with Nancy is a Illegitimate extremist Nancy Pelosi is trying to elbow Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas ...

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Biden Begs For Oil

Pretty please with sugar on top? Dementia Joe will soon be visiting Saudi Arabia. His staff will no doubt make ...

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Life Wins

Life Wins! President Trump  commented on the Supreme Court overturning Roe V. Wade by saying “God made the decision.” The ...

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Wrong Way Joe Biden

Up is Down, Down Is Up- It's Wrong Way Joe Dementia Joe accidentally showed the world his script card. Written ...

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The J6 Swamp

Drain the Swamp! If you’ve listened to Pelosi’s January 6 Commission, you’ve heard a great many politicians use the phrase, ...

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School Daze

Schools Then, Schools Now, Tina Toon Cartoon published 06/21/2022 UPDATE: Nearly 270 public educators were arrested on child sex-related crimes ...

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Ridin’ With Biden

America Takes A Tumble, Ridin' With Biden Cartoon published 06/19/2022 Joe Biden (if it really was Creepy Joe and not ...

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Obama’s Climate Hypocrisy

"Propane for Me, Not For Thee" News broke that former President Obama is planning on installing three extremely large propane ...

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Fauci Catches Covid

Triple Jabbed and Boosted Fauci Has Covid Yesterday we learned "Dr. Science" tested positive for Covid-19 and has mild symptoms. ...

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