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The Unbearable Biden Economy

Biden's Unbearable Economy “I don’t want to hear any more of their lies . . . about reckless spending. We’re ...

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The Midterm Piñata

There's A Smell Of Democrat Desperation In The Air!  Tina Toon The same group that brought you the 'RUSSIA RUSSIA ...

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Pelosi UnSelect Committee’s Web Of Lies

"Shelob" spins her web of lies It was difficult for me to watch the carefully crafted circus known as Nancy ...

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January 6th Hard Of Hearings

"Pelosi's Dog and Phony Show" Hey, America…the January 6 Committee Hearings are kicking off so you may want to remove ...

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Biden Screws Up America On Purpose

Biden screws up America intentionally. There is an old saying: “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like ...

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Musk Gets The Bird- Tina Toon

Musk Gets the bird..Or Does He? UPDATE: Twitter Caves. On  June 8, Twitter gave Musk access to its entire “firehose,” ...

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Prideful Pro Sports

"Pride cometh before a fall" I’m not ‘homophobic.’ I don’t fear gay people. I simply don’t care if they’re gay ...

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The History Of Gun Control

If someone is trying to disarm you, that means they consider you an enemy. If someone takes your weapon, you ...

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Canadian Leaf Blower

Trudeau Blows Off Freedom Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raised the ‘Pride’ flag on Parliament Hill and beamed about diversity ...

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Pelosi Drunk On Power

Legislating under the influence (LUI) Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, was arrested for driving drunk over the holiday weekend. It’s now ...

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Biden’s Backbone

Jellyfish have more of a backbone than Biden After the massacre in Uvalde, Joe immediately and despicably called for common ...

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Durham Closing In On Hillary Clinton

Special Prosecutor Durham is sniffing out the evidence. He's on the hunt and the trail leads to Hillary Clinton. Cartoon ...

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